with Care.
This Campaign is about YOU!
Meet Quincy
Quincy Bareebe has worked tirelessly to support her community.
As the Founder and CEO of a Homecare Agency and an Assisted Living Facility, her life’s mission revolves around providing crucial healthcare support to senior citizens and persons with disabilities. Her decision to run for Congress was an extension of this compassionate service. As a business owner, wife, and mother, she understands the importance of creating a safe and prosperous future for all the residents of Maryland District - 5 which includes Calvert, Charles and St. Mary's counties and portions of Prince George's and Anne Arundel counties.
Quincy's journey, from humble beginnings to present achievements, represents the importance of persistence, determination, and the belief that America is the greatest country in the world. Quincy will fight to ensure that every Marylander has the chance to achieve their own American Dream.
It’s time to turn that dream into your reality.

Support our Campaign
Your support will play a vital role in effecting positive change and furthering our cause.